The motif of Diane von Furstenberg’s dot logo begins on sandblasted glass doors of her retail showroom, and continues on the interior walls and ceiling. Diane von Furstenberg is inspired by the carved plaster and glass mosaics she saw while traveling in India and other exotic locations.

The expression of these foreign elements for the walls and ceiling consists of a seamless curve of plaster that is punctured with tiny apertures in a random configuration. Some of the apertures are filled with 2-inch mirror disks, while others are fitted with halogen lights of the same size. The lights follow the plaster’s curve from the ceiling down the wall, with the ceiling lights aimed at the merchandise display and the wall-recessed lights illuminating the ceiling. This unifying lighting effect creates a feeling of enclosure within the studio, transforming the 700 sq. ft. sales space into an intimate showcase for von Furstenberg’s newest collections.
Photography: Seth Boyd, David Joseph